Physical and electronic access
Barriers are a simple and effective way of safely controlling vehicular access. Robust and durable construction reduces maintenance to aminimum while offering long-term reliability. The barriers can easily be adapted to incorporate ID-card readers, gatekeeper controls, wireless remote controls, photo-electric sensors and iduction loops.

Turnstiles are a reliable way of controlling pedestrian access and automating access control, and are particularly suitable for use out of doors. ID-card readers or bio-metric systems mean that individual access is monitored without the need for extra personnel. Turnstiles are available in different forms and styles.

Tripod turnstiles
Tripod turnstiles are the ideal solution for monitoring and controlling pedestrian access. They are used in situations where visual control by reception personnel takes place, and are a simple and effective way of regulating even high levels of pedestrian flow. Various forms of operation mean that the system can adapted to very different requirements. Tripod turnstiles can be combined with all forms of ID-card readers and are also suitable for use out of doors.